Manuella bordssvetsar P och PC

Enkelt handhavande
Använd vredet på sidan för att ställa rätt svetstid för olika typer av påsar.
Tryck ned handtaget och vänta på att maskinen piper.
Maskinen finns i olika utföranden 200mm (P-200, PC-200) eller 300mm (P-300, PC-300)
Svetsbredden är 2mm som standard.
PC modellerna har en kniv som gör att du kan enkelt skära av överflödigt material med ett handtag.
Maskinen är utrustad med en säkerhetsfunktion som gör att den stängs ner om det gått mer än 3 sek i en svetscykel.
Pris PC-300,240V : 2400Sek
Bifogade filer
Simple Operation
Use the heating-time adjuster knob facing you to set the appropriate heating time for the bag.
Lower the clamping lever using one hand. The heating light will turn on. Sealing is completed when you hear a brief beeping sound. There are
two variations in the length: 200mm (P-200, PC-200) or 300mm (P-300, PC-300). The sealer comes equipped with a 2mm heating element when it is shipped from the factory. The 2mm heating element may be replaced with a fusion-cut heating element as needed to create fusion-cut seals.
FS-215 / FS-315 Good for the Small Retailer
It is ideal for individual packaging at stores as well as for small packaging of parts and food materials at plants. The compact unit takes up minimal 
space and is very mobile. The resin body, featuring arounded design, suits well at a showcase without disrupting the aesthetics of the shop.
** Applications**
Pastries and confectioneries (bread and other baked goods, candies, etc.), pasta and noodles, medicine, office supplies, books, magazines, vegetables, sundry products, metal products, parts, food products, etc.
Cutter Mechanism: PC-200, PC-300
On a PC sealer, the user can slide the cutter knob after the sealing
is completed to cut off any excess material from the end of the bag. This cutter feature can be used to create multiple bags from tube-shaped film.
Safety Measures
Anti-Overheating Mechanism
As a safety measure, the unit is equipped with a device to shut off the circuit in about 3 seconds in case of abnormal heating (continuous current) caused by timer malfunction.